A good overview is provided in the article detailed below, which includes sombre statistics on the current price of energy in the UK.

All forms of energy should be drawn upon to solve such problems, yet activists, alarmists and governments around the world continue to suppress and denigrate the majority of sources, chiefly fossil fuels, which have delivered the greatest increases in life expectancy and wealth the world has ever seen.

To deny current and future populations, including billions in energy poverty, access to such miraculous energy sources is immoral, hypocritical and anti-human, especially when the only justification is a collective gamble on ridiculous and nigh impossible attempts to control the global climate, against all common sense and, yes, science.


Adjusting for a wide array of confounding factors that could be affecting people’s health (such as eating habits, lifestyle or smoking), we found that fuel poverty can “get under the skin” and impact people’s health. Our research shows it has a damaging impact not only on our measure of wellbeing (through lower levels of life satisfaction) but also results in higher levels of inflammation, measured using blood-based biomarker data. For example, we estimate that the likelihood of reporting complete life satisfaction is about 2.9 percentage points lower for those in fuel poverty.

Fuel poverty is widely acknowledged as a distinct form of income poverty and our work shows that it has far reaching implications for health, particularly cardiovascular disease, inflammation and lower wellbeing levels. The negative health, wellbeing and related financial considerations we could expect to arise from the linked increase in energy prices and fuel poverty should be at the foremind of policymakers.


Energy poverty is linked to physical and mental health – our research proves it – The Conversation